最近在上学习了下Ruby,顺便分享下如何在Mac上用Ruby封装 。
创建Ruby Barcode工程
require 'mkmf' extension_name = 'dynamsoftbarcode' dir_config(extension_name) create_makefile(extension_name)
ruby extconf .rb
dbrdir = /Applications/Dynamsoft/Barcode\ Reader\ 3.0\ Trial/Include INCFLAGS = -I. -I$(arch_hdrdir) -I$(hdrdir)/ruby/backward -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I$(dbrdir)
LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED) -lpthread -ldl -lobjc -lDynamsoftBarcodeReader
VALUE BarcodeReader = Qnil; void Init_dynamsoftbarcode(); VALUE method_decodeFile(VALUE self, VALUE path); void Init_dynamsoftbarcode() { BarcodeReader = rb_define_module("BarcodeReader"); rb_define_method(BarcodeReader, "decodeFile", method_decodeFile, 1);} VALUE method_decodeFile(VALUE self, VALUE path) { char *pszPath = StringValueCStr(path); VALUE ary = decode(pszPath); return ary;}
使用Dynamsoft Barcode SDK提供的代码:
#include#include #include #include #include #define strcmpi(dst, src) strcasecmp(dst, src) __int64 GetFormat(const char * pstr){ __int64 llFormat = 0; const char * pszFormat = pstr; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "code_39") != NULL) llFormat |= CODE_39; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "code_128") != NULL) llFormat |= CODE_128; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "code_93") != NULL) llFormat |= CODE_93; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "codabar") != NULL) llFormat |= CODABAR; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "itf") != NULL) llFormat |= ITF; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "upc_a") != NULL) llFormat |= UPC_A; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "upc_e") != NULL) llFormat |= UPC_E; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "ean_13") != NULL) llFormat |= EAN_13; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "ean_8") != NULL) llFormat |= EAN_8; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "industrial_25") != NULL) llFormat |= INDUSTRIAL_25; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "oned") != NULL) llFormat = OneD; if (strcasestr(pszFormat, "qr_code") != NULL) llFormat |= QR_CODE; return llFormat;} const char * GetFormatStr(__int64 format){ if (format == CODE_39) return "CODE_39"; if (format == CODE_128) return "CODE_128"; if (format == CODE_93) return "CODE_93"; if (format == CODABAR) return "CODABAR"; if (format == ITF) return "ITF"; if (format == UPC_A) return "UPC_A"; if (format == UPC_E) return "UPC_E"; if (format == EAN_13) return "EAN_13"; if (format == EAN_8) return "EAN_8"; if (format == INDUSTRIAL_25) return "INDUSTRIAL_25"; if (format == QR_CODE) return "QR_CODE"; return "UNKNOWN";} int decode(const char *pszImageFile){ __int64 llFormat = (OneD |QR_CODE); int iMaxCount = 0x7FFFFFFF; int iIndex = 0; ReaderOptions ro = {0}; pBarcodeResultArray paryResult = NULL; int iRet = -1; char * pszTemp = NULL; char * pszTemp1 = NULL; struct timeval begin, end; if (NULL == pszImageFile) { printf("The syntax of the command is incorrect.\n"); return 1; } // Set license DBR_InitLicense("B8DF4560D0953299D5454C71A38D1FEB"); // Read barcode gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); ro.llBarcodeFormat = llFormat; ro.iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = iMaxCount; iRet = DBR_DecodeFile(pszImageFile, &ro, &paryResult); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); // Output barcode result pszTemp = (char*)malloc(4096); if (iRet != DBR_OK) { sprintf(pszTemp, "Failed to read barcode: %s\r\n", DBR_GetErrorString(iRet)); printf("%s", pszTemp); free(pszTemp); return 1; } if (paryResult->iBarcodeCount == 0) { sprintf(pszTemp, "No barcode found. Total time spent: %.3f seconds.\r\n", ((float)((end.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + end.tv_usec) - (begin.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + begin.tv_usec))/(1000 * 1000))); printf("%s", pszTemp); DBR_FreeBarcodeResults(&paryResult); return 0; } sprintf(pszTemp, "Total barcode(s) found: %d. Total time spent: %.3f seconds\r\n\r\n", paryResult->iBarcodeCount, ((float)((end.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + end.tv_usec) - (begin.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + begin.tv_usec))/(1000 * 1000))); printf("%s", pszTemp); for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < paryResult->iBarcodeCount; iIndex++) { sprintf(pszTemp, "Barcode %d:\r\n", iIndex + 1); // printf("%s", pszTemp); sprintf(pszTemp, "%s Page: %d\r\n", pszTemp, paryResult->ppBarcodes[iIndex]->iPageNum); // printf("%s", pszTemp); sprintf(pszTemp, "%s Type: %s\r\n", pszTemp, GetFormatStr(paryResult->ppBarcodes[iIndex]->llFormat)); // printf("%s", pszTemp); pszTemp1 = (char*)malloc(paryResult->ppBarcodes[iIndex]->iBarcodeDataLength + 1); memset(pszTemp1, 0, paryResult->ppBarcodes[iIndex]->iBarcodeDataLength + 1); memcpy(pszTemp1, paryResult->ppBarcodes[iIndex]->pBarcodeData, paryResult->ppBarcodes[iIndex]->iBarcodeDataLength); sprintf(pszTemp, "%s Value: %s\r\n", pszTemp, pszTemp1); // printf("%s", pszTemp); free(pszTemp1); } free(pszTemp); DBR_FreeBarcodeResults(&paryResult); return iRet;}
把C String转换成 VALUE(VALUE表示Ruby对象)。
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new();rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new_cstr(pszTemp));
require 'dynamsoftbarcode'include BarcodeReader if ARGV.length == 0 puts "Please add a barcode file path!"else $filePath = ARGV[0] $results = decodeFile($filePath) $results.each do |i| puts "#{i}" end puts "Game Over!"end
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/lib'
打开Makefile ,把
ldflags = -L. -L/usr/local/lib
ldflags = -L. -L/usr/lib.
linking shared-object dynamsoftbarcode.bundle
运行sudo make install安装。
ruby barcode_reader.rb barcode_file